Thursday, June 25, 2009

Beginning the End of the Beginning of the End

Well alrighty then. What about now? That's what I'm talking about. NOW, NOW, NOW, How big is it? NOW. Now, is to me a matter of personal perception. I believe it can mean a unique and individual thing to each and everyone of us. I personally have a very big one (that is compared to my perception of how large a common now would be or the more popular momentary NOW that is so popular today) I believe it is now. I cannot personally recall a time ever in all of my experience that it has not been now. Based on the two previous statements in their most basic simplistic relevant truth. I do believe it is safe to assume that it will always be now. NOW! That being said. A rather popular and increasingly so NOW happens to be a 5,200 yr. now which was started by the Aztec and the Maya Civilizations some 5197 yrs ago. Which brings us near to the end of this now which was so accurately measured to end precisely when it was over (Hmmm imagine that) They were able to predict that their now would end precisely when it was finished. Fact is to me. That the division of the now in anyway or manner whatsoever only leads to the idea that there is more than one now. Once you get started ther is no stopping. Infinately so. Break it up, measure it out, count it, divide it, recount it, and keep track of it so that when it ends you will know whether or not it was when it was supposed to . Because the next now can't start until the current one ends. Knowing this is key to being in percieved control of that which occurs in time. Very Big Deal. To know what time it is and what is hapening now. Do you?. I don't. I am certainly interested to find out. NOW! not at some future forecast date that relies on 5200 yrs of accurate counting to determine when it is ( Uh- huh ) I forgot what day it was just last week and still wouldn't be aware of it had someone else not been counting. What is really odd is that it's supposed end on Dec.21 2o12. A date from a calender that isn't even concerned with the counting of the days prior to A.D.. It all seems to be tied to God or A God of some sorts anyways. You might wanna think about for now. Because you can bet someone is going to come along and tell you what it all means.

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